Get ready for your Engagement Shoot!

The “engagement shoot” has become a common activity among engaged couples. Many wind up missing the romantic fun that develops as you shoot by being overly focused on posing for posterity. Here are some tips to stay in the moment .THOMAS-65

  • Be less Pinterested: Too much time looking at other people’s photos can stress you out, and create tension as you try and match “looks” at your own shoot.
  • Make it a playdate: When on location, have fun with that goofy romping around for the camera!* This is fun, uninterrupted almost-alone time with your almost spouse. Relish it.
  • Get metaphysical: The morning of your engagement shoot think about the journey that brought you there. A series of events, decisions, and thunderstorms lined up so you could end up in front of a camera with the love of your life. Pretty amazing.

So you’re ready now, to live in this moment.  Think less Naomi Campbell, and more the best person you can be. That’s who that person you’re holding hands with loves.

Be well, and love well.


 *If you’re not doing any goofy romping around, get on that. It makes for great photos 


My Little Marital Bliss Shop: Never Stop Dating

Cadillac CTS Coupé Concept
Cadillac CTS Coupé Concept (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Who’s dating your man? It had better be you honey boo boo child, before, during AND after the wedding.  He was beguiled by your charm and fun personality, and fell in love on dates with you. Keep the initial spark alive by still going out regularly- and I don’t mean some kind of obligatory once-a-week dinner that you drag yourselves through. Snooze fest. Think about what you really enjoy doing together, or separately, and have some adventures! You can go as far as a weekend get-away, or stay as close as your own kitchen, but be creative.

Recently I told my husband we were going on a mystery outing. He had no idea where, but loved trying to guess!  He’d been talking for the last few weeks about wanting to test-drive a Cadillac CTS Coupe, so I had found a local dealer, and we went on a “Sunday Drive” to go take a look.  He was very surprised that I would even come up with such a thing, and was thrilled to pieces. The date was a hit because it was something he was really into, and it warmed his heart that I had been listening.

If your imagination is running a little slow these days, The Dating Divas have a website chock full of ideas to spice things up. (No, not that way. Get your mind out of the gutter). They have themed dates, bargain dates, at-home dates for after the kids go to bed… you get the idea.  So go out and get dating!

Be well, and love well.


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Diamonds Are A…Guy’s Best Friend? Would you propose to your fella with a “Man-gagement Ring?” Take The Poll!

Diamond Ring
Diamond Ring (Photo credit: jon|k)


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