Red carpet coverage for the Academy Awards starts early, especially if you live on the West coast, so if you want to relax and enjoy the year’s most entertainingly narrated fashion show, you’ve got to get ready! Whether you’ve got a big crowd coming or it’s just you and the cat, make sure everyone is ready far in advance so you don’t miss a single sequin.
Anne Hathaway in white Chanel – Bridal inspiration?
For your Oscar prep make sure you stock
snacks Brie en croute or pigs in a blanket – go with your crowd’s sensibilities (for furry guests include cat treats).
ice Key if people are bringing drinks that may be straight off store shelves
ballots – create your own, or find printables online like these from the fine folks at
friends with strong fashion and/or film opinions!
That last one is optional – there are those among us who hold the Oscars as a very sacred experience and don’t want a lot of people chatting through the speeches. For you erudite types, either find like-minded souls or have an intimate evening: you and Mr. Wiggles.
FNO is a worldwide event that supports fashion, shopping, and local retailers by holding special events in stores, encouraging people to come out and shop! Recently we found out that SAKS compiles an internal lookbook which compiles the best photos of their stores’ FNO decor. Guess whose work was splashed all over the pages? You guessed it, My Little Flower Shop! We loved this event, and we loved our pieces, so we thought we’d post a few photos. Enjoy.
What a week! As many of you know, El Jefe, the Big Man On Campus, our Fearless Leader, AKA Gregory Goodman, turned 50 on Wednesday. There was quite a celebration. Alan, Head Designer, and all around terrific husband, made sure Greg’s party at The Fix on El Paseo was classy, fun and beautifully decorated. Friends came to celebrate from near and far, and the cake was phenomenal, as one might have known since The Fix is attached to The Pastry Swan’s retail location. Oooh, I can still taste that cake.
Al raises a glass to his gorgeous 50th birthday arrangement at Fix
But as Greg told me later, something else also meant a lot to him that day. He helped a friend decorate a table** at her daughter’s high school graduation. He said “It wasn’t a big deal – some mirrors, and a couple things styled in a fun way” but he went on to explain he felt it had been for a girl who really achieved something. “She and her family worked hard for that diploma. And her family was so proud – and I was too, and I got to help that happen with what I love to do.” So for Gregory, an important gift he got on Wednesday was, in fact, one he gave away: help, support and encouragement to someone else.
It got me thinking – Greg gives a lot, to a lot of people. And that’s the secret to his happiness and positive attitude. He gave me and Stephen 150% of his time, energy and love when we got married in 2010. And he gives that kind of focus to all his brides; I’ve seen the tough businessman cry at many a wedding he attends. He’s given second chances. I’ve known him to hire people that many businesses wouldn’t, and to get great work (and great loyalty) out of them. He gives so much to the Wedding Warriors – and to making sure his friends and associates get business from his clients. The guests at his party certainly reflected that. He always shares his success.
So that’s what I’m thinking about today. Gregory’s birthday gift of giving. And it reminds me that there is always a gift to be given that is from the heart. And sometimes it’s just showing up, and doing what you love.
Be well, and love well.
* * We would have liked to include a photo of the table. Unfortunately we used a linen from TE Couture Linen that we had in the shop as a sample, and they were upset. We would like to use this space to publicly apologize, we are sorry they were unhappy that we did not make advance arrangements for a contract to donate use of the tablecloth sample. We regret that they have chosen to no longer do business with My Little Flower Shop, and hope to remedy that situation.