Personalized wedding stamps? Discount? Yes please!

An awesome deal on self inking rubber address stamps (code below) for to-be-weds or anyone who sends holiday cards!  Forget sticky labels – go for a classy stamp!

We heart Wedding Paper Divas and their sister site  TinyPrints is running a four day special on customized self inking stamps for 4 days starting now (10am 10/16/13) til 8am on 10/21/13. Take a look!
Tiny Prints Deal of the Day

The 4th of July Non-Weekend. Bad for Brides? Good for Guests? You decide.

Ah the calendar.  Tomorrow, the 4th of July falls on a WEDNESDAY for the first time in many years.  For those with office jobs whose vacation days are comparable to certain rare truffles in the food world, this is a big deal. There are calculations by which you can take only a few days off, and yet stretch your vacation and/or wedding weekend to five days, all with the aid of a well placed Monday or Friday out of the office.  Thanksgiving is the ultimate centerpiece to the art of stretching PTO: you can take a full seven days and only “spend” three.

But this year (darned Gregorians) Fourth of July isn’t participating.  And some are breathing a sigh of relief.  Hint: it’s not the brides.  People who might have attended weddings this holiday, are attending barbeques.  And parades.  And celebrating Independence Day well, independently.  There are many people who don’t want to have their summer plans set for them by receiving a “save the date” in February and being expected to clear their calendars.

As a bride, it’s hard to see outside the bubble where your wedding is the Most Important Thing In The World, but sometimes people have fun things scheduled at the same time or want to have that option.  And that’s OK. (Well your sister really ought to keep her schedule open, but let the rest of your list plan their own vacations, and lead their own lives. It’s not anybody’s fault, and there shouldn’t be any lasting drama or upset about who had something else going on that day ).

All thoughts running through my head on a summer’s day… enjoy your barbeques tomorrow.  And the weddings that are happening this weekend!  Remember, you can always have sparklers no matter what time of year it is*  And no matter who comes, or what the season, your wedding will light up with joy and memories for everyone.

Live well, and love well.



* please check the fire regulations in your area and at your venue!

Simply The Best! Best of the Best, That Is! Thank You To All Who Voted!

My Little Flower Shop is very proud to have been named “Best of The Best” florist by the voters in Palm Springs Life’s annual survey. (It happened a few weeks ago, but we haven’t had a chance to brag on the blog yet)!

We are so grateful to all of our customers, supporters, friends, families, employees…everyone who logged on and clicked to vote.  We love being here in The Valley and this is just amazing.  Thank you everyone!

Palm Springs Life magazine, Best of The Best, My Little Flower Shop
Woo Hoo! The people have spoken…thanks to everyone who voted!



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