Sometimes, before the alarm clock goes off in the morning, I wake up on my own. It’s a good feeling, knowing that I’ve gotten the right amount of sleep that I needed that night. But by far the best part is looking at the clock and seeing that it’s a full hour before I am supposed to be awake and getting ready for the day. An hour I can use however I want, with no strings attached.

Because I wasn’t meant to be awake, I feel like a kid in a candy store choosing how to spend what I call “stolen time.” I force myself to cross folding laundry or paying bills off the list, and do something delicious – like reading some of that novel I can’t ever seem to get to, or painting my toenails. Or both!
Everyone needs “me time.” OK, the phrase is corny and overused, but the concept is WAY underused. Make sure you make time for yourself, even if you have to steal it!
Be well, and love well.