As if planning a wedding wasn’t stressful enough, brides getting married in 2012 have the challenge of the Presidential election. Now I’m not speaking literally. We’ve decided as a nation to have elections on Tuesdays, which doesn’t interfere with many events. The divisive nature of American politics, however has many brides worried about, at best, uncomfortable conversations and at worst, disruptive and inappropriate behavior. Here are three tips from top Palm Springs florist My Little Flower Shop to avoid the worst case scenario.
Brides: Think ahead. One advantage you have is a guest list, and RSVPs. You already know who the potential pot-stirrers are, so mitigate with calmer heads at their table. You can also ask their family members to speak to them in advance about avoiding sensitive topics at your celebration. Make good use of placecards.
Wedding Party Member: Congratulations, you’re an Interpersonal Diplomat. Bridesmaids and groomsmen have to add conversational negotiation to their list of duties. Do your part to find out who might be throwing bombs into a conversation and keep an ear out for friendly chats trending towards the election. Then redirect! The best new topic? Try the honeymoon locale. Has the political commentator ever been to Bali? No? What destinations are on their bucket list? Now you’re off and running.

Wedding Guests: You know what they say. The conventional wisdom is that it’s a bad idea to talk about religion and politics among people you don’t know. Good rule. You never know who’s sitting next to you. You might have a great joke about Senator XYZ, but you might also be sitting next to his daughter. Stay on your good behavior. Don’t bait anyone, and don’t take the bait if someone’s trying to drag you into an exchange that could turn ugly. The bride and groom will be grateful.
Politics don’t belong at a wedding. Sharing that with family and friends should keep your celebtration a neutral zone. If someone really acts up, drop them off at a local campaign office. Once they’re put to work when everyone else is at the family softball game, they’ll be back, and better behaved in no time.
Be well and love well