Should She Invite Her Ex to The Wedding? My Little Advice Shop

Q:  Should I invite my ex-boyfriend to my wedding?  I made a point of staying friends with all my exes through the years precisely so we could all “get along” at an event like this. 


advice for the bride and groom
advice for the bride and groom (Photo credit: @heylovedc)


A: Here’s the thing.  When it comes to post break-up relationships, there are two kinds of people:the Keep In Touchers  and the Never See Againers.  You are quite clearly a Keep In Toucher.  So, the question becomes.  Where does your man fall?  I have a feeling he’s on Team Never See Again, otherwise you would not be writing, you’d be putting together the perfect “singles table” of all your exes.  As a longtime player on Tean NSA, I advise that if that’s the case to let this one drop. Your man will be a hundred times happier on the big day, and that will show.  After you get settled in to married life, have a barbeque for the old crowd.  Lower the stakes over the steaks, get it?


Be well, and love well.




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A Wedding Reception That’s Just Desserts? Yes, Please!

A Dessert Party is a wonderful idea for an event whether it’s a shower, engagement or even a small wedding. (believe it or not, you don’t need sea bass or prime rib to have a great reception!)  A well styled buffet of elegant desserts can be a showstopper. You can go the DIY route, or find a local bakery (like Palm Springs’ own Pastry Swan) to take over. Either way, vary up your offerings – cakes, petits-fours, home-made cookies,


Petits Fours Français : Petits fours עברית: פט...

Live well, and love well



Horror Stories Are For Halloween! Not The Bride!

Did you hear about the bride whose dress was burned in a fire the night before her wedding? Did you hear about the groom who locked himself in the hotel bathroom and missed the whole reception? As a florist in an ideal destination wedding location like Palm Springs, I understand why people are compelled to share bridal nightmare tales with wedding vendors. They know we’ve dealt with our fair share, and in their own way, they are showing  respect for the sometimes challenging, but always rewarding, work that we do.  But for goodness sake people, please stop scaring the brides!  Lord knows they’re a skittish bunch, so don’t follow up “Congratulations on your engagement!” with some tale of a wedding gone horribly wrong.  It may be funny to you, but to this person diving into the difficult planning process, it’s no laughing matter.  So have a little heart.  Save the bridal calamity tales for the bridesmaids. Now THAT’s your demographic!

Nightmare's Reality
Don’t freak out the bride, please. (Photo credit: Vineet Radhakrishnan)