When wedding planning, assume nothing.

Planning your wedding? Or any special event? Good rule of thumb: Assume Nothing.

Really! Nothing. Always specify (in writing if possible) what you’ve planned for, asked for, paid for, hoped for and wished for.

Especially when it comes to hopes and wishes, please please please don’t expect partners, fiancées and vendors to read your minds. Much to my disappointment (what I wouldn’t give to see inside the minds of the Mother In Laws..) people do not acquire psychic powers during the wedding planning process. Here are some examples of assuming gone awry:

Don’t say to an honor attendant going to your wedding rehearsal: “I’ll see you there” and assume you actually will. In her mind (she’s the rowdy one) you’ll see her there…perhaps after the wedding, hung over from a night out clubbing.

Don’t say to your caterer: “I love beef, so just be creative”  and assume you’ll get a lovely beef entreé, just like you imagined. Your caterer really is creative, and has always harbored a wedding planning fantasy: a reproduction of the Venus De Milo made out of steak tartare.

Have a particular image in mind for your wedding? Let your vendors know.
Have a particular image in mind for your wedding? Let your vendors know.

Don’t say to your brother, “Yes! Make a toast! Funny childhood stories and such” and then be surprised when he tells the guests about you stuffing your bra, or pretending to be ringmaster of the circus. At nineteen.

So you catch my drift. Assume nothing! Make it all very clear, and then enjoy the result of your very-well-communicated labors: just the wedding you wanted.

Be well and love well.


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Bridal Shows? Old news. Welcome to the age of Wedding Shows!

The language of weddings is changing as the marriage equality victories multiply.  (Don’t fret Utah – California has seen this movie and we know the good guys win in the end.) As I wrote recently, the term “bride” is feeling a bit outdated for some to-be-weds. We want all couples to feel welcome at our showcase event, so Wedding Warriors is sponsoring the Palm Springs area’s first luxury…Wedding Shows!

We’ll feature the best of Palm Springs wedding vendors, at top local venues.  The finest in flowers, food, and entertainment from throughout Riverside County will be showcased. Expect tastings, demonstrations and glamorous fashion shows for stylish to-be-weds. Plus, tons of daily give-aways, a raffle, and a SECRET GRAND PRIZE at each show!

Mark your calendars:  February 23, 2014  Hard Rock Hotel Palm Springs   11:30am to 2:30pm   and  March 2nd, 2014  Palm Valley Country Club  1:00pm-5:00pm

Both shows are free, and open to the public.  All are welcome!  We’re calling these “Wedding Shows” because we’re dedicated to making sure everyone who wants a beautiful wedding has one, no matter who you love.  So ring the bells!  Here come the Wedding Shows!

Palm Springs wedding florist My Little Flower Shop says "cheese!"
Palm Springs wedding florist My Little Flower Shop says “cheese!”


To learn more about weddding shows, or any other wedding planning issues, please contact us. My Little Flower Shop is the premiere wedding florist in Palm Springs. Gregory and Alan have been proudly serving the Desert Cities since 2010. 

Our First Gay Wedding in The Land Of The Free, And The Home of The Brave.

On July 4th we celebrated My Little Flower Shop’s first gay wedding! Embracing this new freedom on Independence Day was incredibly symbolic.

Here’s our take: Gay weddings are weddings. Unqualified, no label required weddings. Bernabe_Young_Photography_by_Jessica_Fajardo_FeatureTB144_lowBecause now, LGBT people in love in the state of California have the same rights as anybody else, and having bravely fought for that freedom have the luxury of being just another couple getting married. And if we haven’t mentioned it, we LOVE weddings, and we adore our couples.  All of them.

So as far as we are concerned at My Little Flower Shop, “Gay Weddings” are weddings, like those of all our other clients getting married. They are…what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yeah. Equal. 

Let Freedom Ring.

Be well, and love well.