I’m not a Revolutionary War era bride, but I played one at a re-enactment.

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Talk about a theme wedding…phew!  This apparently was a couple who met at Revolutionary War reenactment events.  They had their regular wedding, and then they, um, reenacted it at the reenactment.

So the question is, where is the line between, “oh I loved the touches that made things feel French” and “I am forever scarred: The Sound of Music played and she worked the whole nun-to-bride arc into her walk down the aisle, expecting us to yodel.”

The answer is: Less Is More. if at any point you say to yourself or your little sister “is this too much?” then it probably is.

In a wonderful charming movie we love, L.A. Story, MariLu Henner’s character, a corporate gift specialist, offers this style tip if you feel something’s hinky with an outfit.  Stand with your back to the mirror, and turn around quickly. The first accessory or item that catches your eye is the one you should take off.  Nine times out of ten, you’ll mutter “I knew that,” and take it off.

The point of the story is, you already know what’s right for your celebration.  You already know what’s too much , like the re-enactors, who cleverly had their modern era wedding for the friends who would be forever scarred by all the tri-cornered hats, and then reenacted with their reenactment buddies.  What a wonderful thing: planning sensitive to all involved, and that met the desires of the bride and groom.  Why it’s practically… revolutionary.

Being the ‘Loud and Obnoxious’ Person and Not Knowing It

Wedding Guests 2
Image by mdhfc via Flickr

Over at Mom vs. Career, we found a blogger with admirable self awareness. Don’t you wish certain guests at your events had this ‘lightbulb moment’ before picking up their escort cards?

Planners, what are your best tips for wrangling the L&O guest?

Being the ‘Loud and Obnoxious’ Person and Not Knowing It August 24, 2011

So, I think I’m ‘that girl.’ The one who is loud and obnoxious. I noticed this during a meeting yesterday. I laughed a lot and loudly. My voice raised in volume while I was telling a story. I over-exaggerated with my inflection.The weird thing is that I don’t do that all the time. It’s usually only when I feel comfortable with certain groups of people. I guess that’s good, but I wonder how those groups of people view me when I am loud and obnoxious?I’ve never asked anyone. I just had this mini-revelation yesterday, so I haven’t had a chance to take a survey. Up to this point, it’s not something I’ve been able to control. It comes out naturally in certain settings. Maybe I should be thankful that I feel so comfortable with certain people. However, I wonder if sometimes I go too far.”

via Being the ‘Loud and Obnoxious’ Person and Not Knowing It.

My Little Relationships Shop: Friends Help Friends Find Love

A site and time specific stencil from ABOVE ab...
Image via Wikipedia

As a newly engaged person, people will want help finding love’s golden ticket. You’ll need tips for those who ask, “How did you do it? How do I find someone?”  Here are our best 5.  Your most stubborn friends may actually listen for once – that’s the power of the ring.

1.  Get out of the house.  Your true love will not magically fall into your apartment. Get out in the world, and do things you enjoy. Check out “Meetup.Com.” In Palm Springs alone there are groups for bowling, swing dancing, and a “booze-n’books” club.  People watching at a café works too (provided you eventually engage with some of your watchees). Just say no to TiVo.

2.  Be open to all avenues. It’s a numbers game, so don’t write off the online sites because they’re non-traditional.  Ask around – chances are you know married couples who’ve met on e-harmony, Match.com and/or Jdate. Don’t want to pay? Check out the 100% free PlentyOfFish.com.

3.  Don’t be so picky.  Relax on the “musts.” Does your new house have every single thing you dreamed of? No. Same goes for people. At worst, it’s an hour at Starbucks with a weirdo, with the silver lining of a great story to tell. At best, it’s lifelong happiness. Do you really want to leave that on the table because of your laundry list of requirements?

4. Say “yes.”  Make a practice of letting other people’s ideas work for you. Fix me up? Yes! Come camping for the weekend? Yes!  Learn to play the drums? Yes! The adage is “everything happens for a reason,” but really it starts by you choosing to let it happen. Do you want to fall in love? Yes!

5.  The Universal Three Foot Rule.  Let the universe know that you want to bring someone into your life.  Put it out there as a positive thought.  Then, tell everyone within three feet of you.  Everybody knows somebody – and somebody knows who’s holding your golden ticket.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, and luck in love!