An attitude of GRATITUDE


 Oh customers dear, it’s the end of the year

and there’s one little thing left to do
for any business or blog would be worthless but for
Wonderful clients and readers like you.

We’d hand bouquets to no beautiful brides
The charity balls would be few
Our success you see, in this beautiful valley
We owe it to our customers, to you!

So thank you for sharing your lives
And celebrations with My Little Flower Shop this year.
We hope the holiday season brings you and yours
Warmth, happiness and good cheer!

Happy Holidays everyone, thanks for your support this year.  We are thrilled to have been nominated for “Best of The Valley” by Desert Magazine, please take a moment and vote for us online.  You can vote once a day.

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When your inner neurotic lady voice chimes in, listen up, brides.

Tre personer som åker långfärdsskridsko
Image via Wikipedia

The holidays are full of fun outdoor activities like skiing, sledding and ice skating. I went ice skating with my brother and my husband this week, and I fell  rather hard, resulting in four rib fractures.

We all have those voices in our heads that help us make decisions.  Red strapless gown to the office holiday party? Your inner neurotic lady would whisper that might not be appropriate (your inner Mae West might have a thing or two to say but that’s a whole ‘nother basket of petals).

Imagine if the skating had been a fun wedding weekend activity.  I’d hate to be squeezing fractured ribs into a wedding gown. So be careful in your planning for the fun celebrations. Listen to your inner neurotic lady – she’s got your best interests (and the safety of all your ribs) at heart.

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When the Holiday Surprise is that you got engaged!

Seeing old friends is a fun part of going home for the holidays. If you just got engaged, it’s doubly true, because you can share your joy with friends and family back in your home town.  If you and your fiancé can manage to zip your lips, this festive season is perfect for a surprise announcement at a family party, or at a favorite watering hole full of college buddies. So cover up that ring, bite your tongue and head on home.  As far as you’re concerned the only surprise at your holiday dinner will be what’s in Aunt Estelle’s casserole.

Travel safely everyone!


ps- if you know your mom, or best friend will be crushed to not have been in on the surprise, unzip your lip and make them swear not to ruin your big reveal. They’ll be honored to be ‘first’ to know.