Friday is Advice for the Bride-Day! 3 Tips to ensure you enjoy your wedding this weekend.

We love Fridays at My Little Flower Shop! Gearing up for weekend weddings and parties gets us fired up.  Ad so we’re taking to the blog to FIRE UP this weekend’s brides and grooms with a little pep talk. Here are a few pointers as you head into the big weekend you’ve been waiting for!

  • Let it All Go. You’ve planned and plotted – and it’s finally here.  This is the moment to take a deep breath and trust yourself, your family and the people you’ve hired to bring your dream day to life.  The work is done, and what will happen will happen.  At a certain point any event takes on a life of its own, and trying to control it from the position of Bride or Groom is only going to make you crazy.

    a beautiful wedding centerpiece
    If you trust your family and your vendors, everything will turn out beautifully.
  • Laugh When Things Go “Wrong.” There’s gonna be a hitch.  It may be small, it may be huge, but it’s going to be the story you’ll tell through the years, howling with laughter at the absurdity. Why not start laughing now and save yourself a lot of heartache? Holding on to the bitterness of a wrongly ruffled cake all evening hurts no one but you and your new husband/wife.
  • Breathe Deeply, Stand Up Straight, and Enjoy Your Moment. ‘Nough said.

See you on the flip side as Mr. and Mrs!

Live well, and love well.


Should She Invite Her Ex to The Wedding? My Little Advice Shop

Q:  Should I invite my ex-boyfriend to my wedding?  I made a point of staying friends with all my exes through the years precisely so we could all “get along” at an event like this. 


advice for the bride and groom
advice for the bride and groom (Photo credit: @heylovedc)


A: Here’s the thing.  When it comes to post break-up relationships, there are two kinds of people:the Keep In Touchers  and the Never See Againers.  You are quite clearly a Keep In Toucher.  So, the question becomes.  Where does your man fall?  I have a feeling he’s on Team Never See Again, otherwise you would not be writing, you’d be putting together the perfect “singles table” of all your exes.  As a longtime player on Tean NSA, I advise that if that’s the case to let this one drop. Your man will be a hundred times happier on the big day, and that will show.  After you get settled in to married life, have a barbeque for the old crowd.  Lower the stakes over the steaks, get it?


Be well, and love well.




Got a question? Need advice?

shoot it to us at

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Waiting for a ring? Is he holding a box or a phone?

I was chatting recently with my old friend Michael, who I hadn’t seen in a while, and told him I was writing a blog.  “Is it too technical, or would I be interested?” he asked.  I began to giggle. Why you ask? Because for all practical purposes, this is a wedding blog.  And Michael is not the marrying kind.  Now I’m not saying he’s gay, he’s dated women as long as I’ve known him.  He was even engaged once, but he couldn’t go through with it.  He’s just not cut out to function in the kind of arrangement that makes so many others so very happy.

I was delighted to hear yesterday that after all these years, he’d finally figured that out. He laughed too and shook his head – and basically said (out loud!) that he knew “it was never gonna happen.”  He knows he’s not meant to be married, and now he’s very upfront with anyone that comes into his life.

In this season of romantic jewelry store commercials pulling at the heartstrings of women across America, (see above for the kind that used to absolutely kill me as a single girl, and which will be EVERYWHERE until Valentine’s Day) I caution “someday brides” to tune in to their partners; make sure you’re not waiting for a ring from a guy who’ll never understand the way you love, and need to be loved in return.

Live well and love well.
