Oscar De La Renta’s wedding advice.

This past weekend the world lost iconic fashion designer Oscar De La Renta. The accolades and remembrances continue to roll in from fashion journalists and celebrities, and all share a common view of what made him a genius. His talent was in making sure the woman was the focus, not the dress.THE HEART TRUTH FASHION SHOW 02/11/10

How does that apply to weddings? Well simply put, as you plan make sure you’re the stars of the show: you and that wonderful person you’re marrying.  Your ideas for details and décor are wonderful, but make sure that the look you and your florist create doesn’t overwhelm the most special, unique feature of the event – that’s your love and happiness!  Like De La Renta’s beautiful gowns, the design should beautifully flatter, but not overtake you.  After all, you’re what everyone’s come to see.  Not the ice sculpture.

Live well and love well.



Celebrating holidays helps your relationship! Get your Halloween on!

Celebrating holidays is good for your relationship – especially if you’re planning a wedding. No excuses for not celebrating Halloween people! Here are 3 reasons why getting in the holiday spirit is good for you and your sweetie.

Holidays are built-in together-time: We discussed the “I’m too busy with my wedding to celebrate Halloween” concept in an earlier post.  Snap out of it! Take advantage of the momentum in the existing holiday and create traditions with your partner. We’re making memories people!

Holidays are great for new experiences: and it’s been scientifically proven that couples who learn and experience new things together are happier.  Take pumpkin carving classes! Learn to traditional Dia De Los Muertos dances!  Get happy!IMG_3344

Holidays are FUN! : Whether or not you’re planning a wedding, we all need a little more fun in our lives.  Making time to focus on something Halloweeny be it a spooky dinner, decorating your space or just watching The Great Pumpkin you and your honey can make this Halloween a blast.

You’ve got your (fun) work cut out for you. We’ve got Halloween first, Thanksgiving and then the winter holidays are soon upon us.  Get out there and celebrate! 



Wedding to do list: florist, baker, officiant…loan officer?

It’s perfectly natural to want a more lavish wedding than you can afford.  The internet wedding and television world has raised the bar. Add the desire to have amazing photos for friends to admire on Instagram, Facebook, etc. and you have couples planning beyond their means. The finance world, ever predatory, has come up with a “solution:” wedding loans. They are a terrible idea both financially and emotionally.  Let’s explore why. wedding-loans-marry-in-style-with-collateral-free-loans-1-728

  • Financially, there’s no worse way to start your life together than by adding debt.  What a terrible wedding gift to each other! The easy solution that brings immediate happiness will be a terrible choice down the road when buying a home or car and you are still paying off loans from a party you had long, long ago.  Are you going to be glad then that you made that sacrifice to have beef instead of chicken?
  • Emotionally, the potential for fighting over money in a marriage is high. If either one of you is the slightest bit unsure about taking out a loan for the wedding, down the line that’s going to come out and be a point of contention.  And it will be a point of contention that will follow you in your relationship until you are completely out of debt! I wouldn’t want resentment over a loan floating over my marriage, that’s for sure.

So there are my reasons I am against wedding loans.  I am sure there are people who use them responsibly and find them very helpful. If you’re interested, make sure you read the terms very carefully.  For the rest of you, go make a good budget!

Be well and love well.
