The Zen of Registries: Two Toasters and a Backstreet Boy

Vocal group, Backstreet Boys became one of the...
Image via Wikipedia

Oh no! Aunt Ida and your BFF both brought a toaster to your shower. Panic! Registry Drama!

Wait- don’t get all worked up.  Breathe deeply and contemplate The Zen of Registries.  Personal testimony – the Backstreet Boys completely changed my perspective on the headaches of wedding registries.  Read on.

In the year 2000, at a monastery high on a mountaintop in the Himalayas…ok,ok, a bit much.

In the year 2000, on the 7th floor of a downtown Los Angeles office building, received a call from a giggling teenage girl asking to go to the Backstreet Boys’ wedding.  We had no idea that Brian (and his fellow Backstreeter Kevin Richardson) were both registered,  and we were unprepared for the deluge of lovesick calls that followed.  Our Macy’s counterparts were  swamped with fake orders.  After a million phone calls to managers and agents, and one conversation with Brian himself, we got it straightened out.

Are you still in the lotus position, and concentrating on your breathing? Imagine trying to untangle that mess.  Think back to your toasters.  Do they merit high anxiety? And the most important question to contemplate: Can you believe I got to talk to an actual Backstreet Boy on the phone?  OMG, you guys!!!!

The Zen of Wedding Registries: Two Toasters and a Backstreet Boy

Vocal group, Backstreet Boys became one of the...
Image via Wikipedia

Oh no! Aunt Ida and your BFF both brought a toaster to your shower. Panic! Registry Drama!

Wait- don’t get all worked up.  Breathe deeply and contemplate The Zen of Registries.  Personal testimony – the Backstreet Boys completely changed my perspective on the headaches of wedding registries.  Read on.

In the year 2000, at a monastery high on a mountaintop in the Himalayas…ok,ok, a bit much.

In the year 2000, on the 7th floor of a downtown Los Angeles office building, received a call from a giggling teenage girl asking to go to the Backstreet Boys’ wedding.  We had no idea that Brian (and his fellow Backstreeter Kevin Richardson) were both registered,  and we were unprepared for the deluge of lovesick calls that followed.  Our Macy’s counterparts were  swamped with fake orders.  After a million phone calls to managers and agents, and one conversation with Brian himself, we got it straightened out.

Are you still in the lotus position, and concentrating on your breathing? Imagine trying to untangle that mess.  Think back to your toasters.  Do they merit high anxiety? And the most important question to contemplate: Can you believe I got to talk to an actual Backstreet Boy on the phone?  OMG, you guys!!!!

Do Not Invent An Angry Mariachi Band – Avoiding Avoidance Problems

Mariachi trumpet
Keep good communiction with wedding vendors - in Palm Springs, or elsewhere!

I spent the last few days dodging the calls of what I feared would be a very agitated mariachi band leader.  This was silly behavior – I know better: being direct and honest is always the best policy.

A big corporation booked the mariachis for a charity event, and the band did not invoice the company until two days prior.  Unfortunately, in Corporate America, accounts payable departments are usually not staffed by magical gnomes.

I avoided the message from the band leader, and the legend of The Angry Mariachi grew in my head. I finally faced my big-girl clipboard, made the call and explained that I simply didn’t know when the check would get cut.  Surprise! As long as they knew what was going on, they were OK.

Long story short, both Planners and Brides, keep your vendors in the loop.  And don’t work yourselves up imagining problems you don’t have.

Happy Planning!
