Not my kind of holiday

Think of a major national retailer, you probably have zeroed right in on the one I’m talking about. You’ve got great aim, and you’re a straight shooter.

They’ve got a TV ad on right now that’s driving me crazy.  It shows a lovely, fashionably turned-out woman walking through a giant Pinterest board and bringing all her fabulous holiday ideas into being.  But according to their chirpy jingle, she couldn’t possibly do it without this store’s credit card!

That’s a load of bullpuckey.  Your creative ideas do not require any special thing to be brought to life this holiday season – especially not a line of credit.  I’m tired of stores making everyone feel so much pressure about making everything perfect.

Just make it yours!  And that you can do with stuff you’ve already got in your house.  OK, so you may need a new strand of lights or two.  But don’t feel “less than” because you’re not setting up a pre-thanksgiving dinner miniature golf course for goodness sake.

Enjoy a hapy and safe holiday!


Want My Little Flower Shop’s help decorating this holiday season? Contact us or call us at 760-778-7111

We’ve been proudly providing the Coachella Valley’s finest flowers since 2010.

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