THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Here’s a big ‘thank you’ to all who made our Mother’s Day Weekend a rip-roaring success! We’re giving a shout-out to:
- The A-Team of Valley floral designers that has occupied our back room for the last four days
- our wonderful couples who got married on Saturday
- Our friends who came to pitch in: answering phones, writing cards, cutting ribbons and keeping spirits up
- The drivers who joined us – our regulars and our pinch hitters
- Google Maps – a heaven sent blessing.
- Max, our Parrot! Raspberries all week this week, buddy!
- The event staff at the Miramonte Resort and Spa, (especially the kitchen staff for putting up with floral designers in the dishwashing area)and the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa.
- The Coachella Valley’s many gas stations. Couldn’t have done it without you!
- Route 111 itself – love ya baby!
- Time-Warner’s Coachella Valley Moms of the Year, and their special luncheon!
- The good people of Riverside’s branch of Mayesh wholesale florist!
- Pizza Hut! This engine runs on Cheesy Bites!
And last but certainly not least…
All the sons, daughters, husbands and friends who sent love in the form of flowers to the Moms in their lives enabling us to do what we do. Thank You Palm Springs!!!
-Gregory & Alan