Be grateful on Mondays

Being grateful on Mondays is a big deal at My Little Flower Shop for a few reasons.

  • Having just come off an amazing weekend full of wedding and parties,  we feel honored to be a part of the life of our clients and our community.
  • As a result, we have a thriving business.  We work hard, and we’re thankful for all that our hard work has brought us.
  • We work with the earth’s most beautiful creations: flowers.  To come to work every day to a shop full of beautiful blooms is a blessing.  Cubicles just aren’t our style.
  • Did I mention how amazing a community we are a part of? Other businesses, business organizations, friends, family…

ribbon cutting

With all that is good in our lives, being depressed about a day of the week just isn’t logical.  So, happy Monday everyone, thanks for sharing it with us.


Be well and love well,



Wedding Movie of the Week: Family Comedy – The Muppets Take Manhattan!

Family friendly and utterly charming, The Muppets Take Manhattan is a gem. The most successful kids films are those that entertain adults as well, and the person that pioneered that concept was Jim Henson. In this film, his Muppets, well, take Manhattan, and everyone’s hearts along with it.

If you haven’t seen it in years, you’ll be delighted at the actors and cameos: Dabney Coleman, Brooke Shields and the mayor of New York himself, Ed Koch.

And the wedding? The wedding is a movie musical lover’s dream. Featuring Big Bird.
